Stephen's U10 girls team presented quite a few challenges. Mostly, it involved girls who did not show up to practice (practicing with less than a full team was hard), didn't know their left from their right, thought they should have the ball only or showed up as the game was to start or even after.
In league, we placed seventh out of nine teams. In an end of season tournament, we beat the team that placed fourth in league. After the first round, teams were placed into a gold, silver, or bronze bracket. We ended up in the silver (fourth place team went to bronze) where we lost to the fifth and sixth placed teams each 2-0. Those games were played on Sunday and our star player is the bishop's daughter, Sadee Ball, who didn't play.
All in all, the team showed great improvement. To beat the fourth place team with Sadee and losing to the other teams by only two goals (they beat us by 3 goals or more in league) without Sadee says a lot. I was very proud of how we ended up.
Above all, I fulfilled my dream to coach a team on which I had no son or daughter. It felt great but I was busy. As for Lupe, she wasn't always a happy camper about this so instead of a coach's gift I talked them into a coach's wifes' gift of $50 to Kohls. That made us both happy.