During a visit to his mother after Christmas, Stephen came across
a disc of photos that his niece had scanned. They were
pictures of Stephen's siblings, grandparents, aunts and
uncles, and great aunts and uncles. Enjoy this journey
with Stephen back into time.

Looking very dapper is Stephen's grandfather,
Robert Maxwell, on his mothers side.
Here you see Stephen's mother, his older sister, Loraine,and his dad who served in the army during World War IIas a postal carrier.
The lady on the left is Allie
Ough Maxwell, Stephen's grandmother
who lived with the family for a time after her husband died. Stephen
was named after her father, Stephen
Ough. Next to his grandmother
is Stephen's sister, Carolyn, and his brother, Larry. In front and on the
left is Stephen's younger brother David (who eventually would grow
taller than Stephen) and then in the suit and bow tie is Stephen.

This is Stephen's mother and second stepfather, Jim.
Jim converted to the church after they were married.
Jim has served as a temple worker.